Thursday, 10 May 2007

Eating disorder? Genes to blame too

An article in the newspapers about anorexia and bullimia dated 28th March 2007 (1 month plus ago)

Eating disorder? Genes to blame too

By Judith Tan - Mar 28, 2007
The Straits Times

The common perception of anorexia and bulimia sufferers is that they have brought the problem upon themselves by trying to get a fashionably slender figure.

But the causes of eating disorders among young girls and women are far more complex.

Researchers have found that genes seem to play an important role in determining who is vulnerable. It is much like the link between smoking and lung cancer, said Dr Blake Woodside, a psychiatrist at the University of Toronto.

'Not all smokers develop lung cancer. There is a genetic risk factor for smoking-linked cancer. Similarly, not all women exposed to the ideal of being fashionably thin develop eating disorders,' he said.

True, society's obsession with attaining what it perceives to be an ideal body is a contributing factor, which is why 'we get overly concerned with our weight and diet'.

'Yet less than 0.5 per cent of all women develop anorexia nervosa. This points to the fact that that societal pressure is not the lone cause,' he said.

To read the full article, refer to the below link

Eating disorder? Genes to blame too


Anonymous said...

Anorexia & infertility among females...Are there truth that links infertility with Anorexia?

If from the clinical definition - the absence of at least 3 consecutive menstrual occur in every Anorexia patience. But will it leads to infertility ?

Hope said...

I'm no expert to be able to answer your questions. I did a simple search and there are some websites which touches more on this topic, perhaps if you are interested, you could take a look at them to find out more. Hope this helps.

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